
"I'm willing to admit that I may not always be right, but I am never wrong."
 -Samuel Goldwyn

With the eyes of an ice dragon and hair like a cornfield planted atop a platinum mine, I hold a court for discussions on success, reality and consciousness, Earthly pleasures, liberty, sexuality, and most importantly of all philosophy of both individuals & society as it relates to those things.  I am Medusa Oblong Gato, welcome to the site.  The essential word here is discussion - my posts aren't just statements, they are also launchpads for you to use, and gauges to see how many people agree, disagree, or just plain don't care (often the right choice).

Occasionally there are standalone bits of writing relating to the aforementioned, because I want feedback on it to see if it's any good or if I'm just pissing in to the wind.  Folks who appreciate the Gato's attitude and style of thought will probably enjoy his writing style as well.  These posts include the tag "writing" (note that this is the bulk of the early posts.  Use the tags to get to the content you want; see "tags" page on the header).

I once saw a question on a dating site asking me to rate my sex drive, with the multiple-choice options ranging from "way below average" through "normal" on up to "way above average."  I wasn't then sure how to answer, and I still amn't, for I haven't yet gathered strong enough of an empirical idea what constitutes the 'normal,' that is to say average, sex drive.  While the amount that I express my sexual desire is far more than the average bear, I have a suspicion that my actual sexual desire is on par with everyone else's, and they just aren't good at expressing theirs (or are unwilling to).  Getting people to unlock the full sexual power in themselves, and getting them to acknowledge the full depth and breadth of their sexuality, and finally (also most importantly) getting them to fully enjoy it, is among the cornerstones of my campaign as a philosopher and chief among my duties during my time in this universe.

Commenting on any and all posts is highly encouraged.  Being an overly-confident smartass, as long as you can back it up is not just allowed but encouraged.

Questions, requests, private messages, nudies, and piano covers of hard rock songs can be sent to 

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